What To Expect
We recognize that visiting a church can be an intimidating (or even scary) experience, so we want to give you an idea of what you can expect during a visit on a Sunday morning.
People: We are a people of many different backgrounds. Some have lived in Kenosha forever; some are recent transplants. We have lots of families with young children. We have college students. We have professors and warehouse workers, nurses and retirees. We come from many different walks of life, and we thank God for that. It's part of the beauty God has blessed us with as a church. Our desire is for you to feel welcome here worshipping with us regardless of your background, age, race, or appearance!
Building: We worship in a very old church building that is on the Kenosha historical landmark registry. Our sanctuary has beautiful stained glass windows and ornate wood work. We sit in old-fashioned church pews. We used to have an organ, but we sold it. If you're ever driving by on Sunday at 9:55, you might be able to hear our bell ringing to issue a "5 minutes 'til church" reminder.
Time: We worship from 10:00a-11:30a on Sunday mornings. Sometimes we start a few minutes late; sometimes we go a few minutes long, but we are typically gathered to worship for 70-90 minutes when it's all said and done.
Dress: We are a pretty laid back bunch and just ask that you wear some clothes when you come! Some like to dress up and others like to stay casual in jeans or shorts. It can get hot during summer so plan to dress accordingly. Our preacher usually wears a button up shirt and slacks...he might wear a tie if he's feeling particularly festive around the holidays.
Music: You'll see and hear a drum set, electric and acoustic guitars, bass, piano, and mixed voices on a typical Sunday morning. We sing a lot of contemporary Christian worship music along with some old hymns arranged for modern instruments. We love singing of God's greatness and of the blood of Jesus that washes away our sin.
Children: We have qualified volunteers serving in our nursery and King's Kids Sunday school for children from birth to 5th grade. You can find more information or contact our children's coordinator here: Children's Ministry.
Sermon: Our typical sermon lasts 35-40 minutes. We like to slowly work our way through books of the Bible so that we can apply God's Word to our lives. You can expect to come away with a better understanding of the Bible verses taught on and how the passage should be applied to life out of obedience to Jesus.
Giving: We collect an offering each Sunday during service, but we do not expect our visitors to feel any obligation to give. Feel very free to be our guest without being guilted into giving any money.