CTKC is grateful for the opportunity to offer a community breakfast every Sunday morning.  This ministry dates back 15 years when God gave two men who love to cook a compassionate burden for the hungry residents and passerby's of Kenosha.  Each Sunday provides a chance to hear the Gospel preached and for relationships to be formed and strengthened around what is sure to be a tasty meal.



King's Place is a gospel-centered after-school mentoring program that provides a safe place to build relationships with mentors and other children and learn about God through His Word.

Children play, share a meal, work on reading and math skills, and listen to teaching about who God is and what He is like. 

Our goal is to see the gospel of Jesus Christ transform children and parents in our local neighborhoods, reconciling them to God, creation, themselves, and others and causing them to be established and discipled in a local church.



CTKC has partnered with the Shalom Center ( to host a warm meal every Tuesday night in our fellowship hall.  We love the opportunity to use this big ol' building to help meet the real needs of our neighbors! 

  • Where: CTKC Fellowship Hall

  • When: Tuesday nights, 5:00 - 6:00 p.m.

  • Contact: Lisa Williams, or Sherry Thompson,